“Automation of quantum dot measurement analysis via explainable machine learning,” D. Schug, T. J. Kovach, M. A. Wolfe, J. Benson, S. Park, J. P. Dodson, J. Corrigan, M. A. Eriksson, and Justyna P. Zwolak, Machine Learning: Sci. and Techn. 6, 15006 (2025) [arXiv | Journal] “Casimir effect in Josephson junctions,” Alex Levchenko, J Low Temp Phys 218, 268-283 (2025) [arXiv | Journal]
“Quantum system with multiple-wavelength array trap,” TW Noel, and M Saffman, US Patent 12,141,655 (2024) [GScholar] “Superconducting Diode Effect in Multiphase Superconductors,” Daniel Shaffer, Dmitry V. Chichinadze, Alex Levchenko, Phys. Rev. B 110, 184509 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Passive optical intensity masks for two-dimensional two-species atom-trap arrays,” C Fang, J Miles, J Murphree, M Lichtman, M Gillette, M Bergdolt, … Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, and Systems 2024, PC1312004 (2024) [GScholar] “Spin mechanism of drag resistance in strongly correlated electron liquids,” Dmitry Zverevich, Ilya Esterlis, Alex Levchenko, Phys. Rev. B 110, 085307 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Relevance of anisotropy in the Kondo effect: Lessons from the symplectic case,” M Lotem, S Sankar, T Ren, M Goldstein, EJ König, A Weichselbaum, … Physical Review B 110 (23), 235122 (2024) [GScholar] “Numerical study of the spatial coherence of light in collective spontaneous emission,” DD Yavuz, A Yadav, DC Gold, TG Walker, and M Saffman, Physical Review A 110 (4), 043705 (2024) [GScholar]
“Quantum criticality and optical conductivity in a two-valley system,” Yasha Gindikin, Songci Li, Alex Levchenko, Alex Kamenev, Andrey V. Chubukov, Dmitrii L. Maslov, Phys. Rev. B 110, 085139 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Fast measurements and multiqubit gates in dual-species atomic arrays,” D Petrosyan, S Norrell, C Poole, and M Saffman, Physical Review A 110 (4), 042404, 3 (2024) [GScholar][Eriksson]
“Data Needs and Challenges for Quantum Devices Automation,” Justyna P. Zwolak, Jacob M. Taylor, R. Andrews, J. Benson, G. Bryant, D. Buterakos, A. Chatterjee, S. Das Sarma, M. A. Eriksson, E. Greplova, M. J. Gullans, F. Hader, T. J. Kovach, P. S. Mundada, M. Ramsey, T. Rasmussen, B. Severin, A. Sigillito, B. Undseth, and B. Weber, npj Quant. Inf. 10, 105 (2024) [arXiv | Journal] “Coupling conduction-band valleys in SiGe heterostructures via shear strain and Ge concentration oscillations, Benjamin D. Woods, Hudaiba Soomro,” E. S. Joseph, Collin C. D. Frink, Robert Joynt, M. A. Eriksson, and Mark Friesen, arXiv:2310.18879, npj Quantum Information, 10:54 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41534-024-00853-6 [arXiv | Journal]
“Supercurrent Diode Effect in Helical Superconductors,” Jaglul Hasan, Daniel Shaffer, Maxim Khodas, Alex Levchenko, Phys. Rev. B 110, 024508 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Quantum system with multi-wavelength array trap,” TW Noel, and M Saffman, US Patent 12,057,242, 2 (2024) [GScholar][König]
“Topological Green’s function zeros in an exactly solved model and beyond,” S Bollmann, C Setty, UFP Seifert, and EJ König, Physical Review Letters 133 (13), 136504, 9 (2024) [GScholar] “Spin-caloric resistance of Dirac plasma in a graphene Corbino device,” Alex Levchenko, Phys. Rev. B 110, 235303 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“System and method for controlling particles using projected light,” M Saffman, US Patent 12,020,828 (2024) [GScholar] “Intrinsic anomalous Hall effect in altermagnets,” Lotan Attias, Alex Levchenko, Maxim Khodas, Phys. Rev. B 110, 094425 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Benchmarking a neutral-atom quantum computer,” N Wagner, C Poole, TM Graham, and M Saffman, International Journal of Quantum Information 22 (04), 2450001, 4 (2024) [GScholar] “Near-field heat transfer and drag resistance in bilayers of composite fermions,” Dmitry Zverevich, Alex Levchenko, Phys. Rev. B 109, 155303 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Vacuum cell with electric-field control,” M Saffman, TW Noel, and SM Hughes, US Patent 11,997,780 (2024) [GScholar] “Control of threshold voltages in Si/SiGe quantum devices via optical illumination,” M. A. Wolfe, B. X. Coe, J. S. Edwards, T. J. Kovach, T. McJunkin, B. Harpt, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, R. McDermott, Mark Friesen, S. Kolkowitz, and M. A. Eriksson, Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034044 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
Exploiting many-body localization for scalable variational quantum simulation, Chenfeng Cao, Yeqing Zhou, Swamit Tannu, Nic Shannon,Robert Joynt,arXiv:2404.17560, under review at Nature Communications [arXiv][König]
“Topological Kondo effect with spinful Majorana fermions,” S Bollmann, JI Väyrynen, and EJ König, Physical Review B 110 (3), 035136, 4 (2024) [GScholar][Saffman]
“Metasurfaces That Enable Bottle-Beam Arrays for Neutral Atom Trapping,” C Fang, M Kim, DA Czaplewski, H Mei, S Deshpande, Z Yu, Y Xiao, … 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2 (2024) [GScholar] “Spin drag mechanism of giant thermal magnetoresistance,” Alex Levchenko, A. V. Andreev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 246301 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Scalable Passive Optical Masks That Enable One-and Two-Species Atom-Trap Arrays,” C Fang, P Huft, SA Norrell, S Deshpande, M Saffman, and MA Kats, 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2 (2024) [GScholar] “Anomalous Josephson diode effect in superconducting multilayers,” A. S. Osin, Alex Levchenko, Maxim Khodas, Phys. Rev. B 109, 184512 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Affordable medium-finesse optical cavity for diode laser stabilization,” DR Fernández, MAL Torres, MR Cardoso, JDM Kondo, M Saffman, … Applied Physics B 130 (4), 60, 4 (2024) [GScholar][König]
“Type-II heavy Fermi liquids and the magnetic memory of 4Hb-TaS2,” EJ König, Physical Review Research 6 (1), L012058, 6 (2024) [GScholar] “Nonreciprocal Coulomb Drag between Quantum Wires in the quasi-1D regime,” R. Makaju, H. Kassar, S. M. Daloglu, A. Huynh, A. Levchenko, S. J. Addamane, D. Laroche, Phys. Rev. B 109, 085101 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Lateral beam shifts and depolarization upon oblique reflection from dielectric mirrors,” Y Xiao, L Phuttitarn, TM Graham, C Wan, M Saffman, and MA Kats, Annalen der Physik, 2400028, 1 (2024) [GScholar] “Giant magnetoresistance in weakly disordered non-Galilean invariant conductors,” Alex Levchenko, Songci Li, A. V. Andreev, Phys. Rev. B 109, 075401 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Robust atom-photon gate for quantum information processing,” O Nagib, P Huft, A Safari, and M Saffman, Physical Review A 109 (3), 032602, 5 (2024) [GScholar] “Majorana bound state parity exchanges in planar Josephson junctions,” Varsha Subramanyan, Jukka I Vayrynen, Alex Levchenko, Smitha Vishveshwara, Phys. Rev. B 109, 054511 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Quantum circuit with tailored Rydberg states,” TW Noel, M Saffman, and M Ebert, US Patent 11,893,452 (2024) [GScholar][König]
“Topological quantum computation on a chiral Kondo chain,” T Ren, EJ König, and AM Tsvelik, Physical Review B 109 (7), 075145, 3 (2024) [GScholar] “Slow electron-phonon relaxation controls the dynamics of the superconducting resistive transition,” E. M. Baeva, A. I. Kolbatova, N. A. Titova, S. Saha, A. Boltasseva, S. Bogdanov, V. M. Shalaev, A. V. Semenov, A. Levchenko, G. N. Goltsman, V. S. Khrapai, Phys. Rev. B 110, 104519 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Alkali metal optical clock,” M Saffman, S Kolkowitz, and A Sharma, US Patent 11,868,095 (2024) [GScholar]
“Fine structure of current noise spectra in nanoelectromechanical resonators,” Dong E. Liu, Alex Levchenko, Low Temp. Phys. 50, 1162 (2024) [arXiv | Journal]
“Low cost construction of a medium-finesse optical cavity for diode laser stabilization,” DR Fernández, MAL Torres, MR Cardoso, JDM Kondo, M Saffman, … Program (2024) [GScholar] “Fault-tolerant measurement-free quantum error correction with multiqubit gates,” MA Perlin, VN Premakumar, J Wang, M Saffman, and R Joynt, Physical Review A 108 (6), 062426, 16 (2023) [GScholar]
“Electron liquids in solids: hydrodynamic description inspired by ideas of Radii Gurzhi,” A. N. Kalinenko, A. Levchenko, Low Temp. Phys. 49, 1335-1337 (2023) [arXiv | Journal]
“Investigating electromagnetically induced transparency spectral lineshape distortion due to non-uniform fields in Rydberg-atom electrometry,” AP Rotunno, CL Holloway, N Prajapati, S Berweger, AB Artusio-Glimpse, … Journal of Applied Physics 134 (8), 11 (2023) [GScholar][König]
“Mott insulators with boundary zeros,” N Wagner, L Crippa, A Amaricci, P Hansmann, M Klett, EJ König, … Nature Communications 14 (1), 7531, 40 (2023) [GScholar][Saffman]
“Midcircuit measurements on a single-species neutral alkali atom quantum processor,” TM Graham, L Phuttitarn, R Chinnarasu, Y Song, C Poole, K Jooya, … Physical Review X 13 (4), 041051, 71 (2023) [GScholar] “A lab-based test of the gravitational redshift with a miniature clock network,” X. Zheng, J. Dolde, M.C. Cambria, H.M. Lim, and S. Kolkowitz, Nature Communications 14, 4886 (2023) [Journal]
“Longitudinal coupling between a Si/SiGe quantum dot and an off-chip TiN resonator,” J. Corrigan, B. Harpt, Nathan Holman, R. Ruskov, P. Marciniec, D. Rosenberg, D. Yost, R. Das, W.D. Oliver, R. McDermott, Charles Tahan, Mark Friesen, and M. A. Eriksson, Phys. Rev. Applied 20, 064005 (2023) [arXiv | Journal]
“Reducing Rydberg-state dc polarizability by microwave dressing,” JC Bohorquez, R Chinnarasu, J Isaacs, D Booth, M Beck, R McDermott, … Physical Review A 108 (2), 022805, 6 (2023) [GScholar]
“Optical conductivity of a metal near an Ising-nematic quantum critical point,” Songci Li, Prachi Sharma, Alex Levchenko, Dmitrii L. Maslov, Phys. Rev. B 108, 235125 (2023) [arXiv | Journal]
“Electrometer sensor control system,” TG Walker, EA Imhof, and SR Jefferts, US Patent 11,726,123, 1 (2023) [GScholar][König]
“Quasiperiodic circuit quantum electrodynamics,” T Herrig, JH Pixley, EJ König, and RP Riwar, npj Quantum Information 9 (1), 116, 5 (2023) [GScholar][Saffman]
“Sampling frequency thresholds for the quantum advantage of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm,” D Lykov, J Wurtz, C Poole, M Saffman, T Noel, and Y Alexeev, npj Quantum Information 9 (1), 73, 28 (2023) [GScholar] “Transport anomalies in multiband superconductors near quantum critical point,” Maxim Dzero, Maxim Khodas, Alex Levchenko, Phys. Rev. B 108, 184513 (2023) [Editors' Suggestion] [arXiv | Journal]
“A physically motivated analytical expression for the temperature dependence of the zero-field splitting of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond,” M.C. Cambria, G. Theiring, A. Norambuena, H.T. Dinani, A. Gardill, I. Kemeny, V. Lordi, A. Gali, J.R. Maze, and S. Kolkowitz, arXiv:2306.05318 (2023) [arXiv]
“Nanoscale addressing and manipulation of neutral atoms using electromagnetically induced transparency,” U Saglam, TG Walker, M Saffman, and DD Yavuz, Physical Review A 107 (6), 063711, 4 (2023) [GScholar]
“Electrometer with Rydberg frequency tuning,” TG Walker, EA Imhof, and SR Jefferts, US Patent 11,674,992 (2023) [GScholar] “Practical Strategies for Enhancing the Valley Splitting in Si/SiGe Quantum Wells,” M. Losert, M. A. Eriksson, Robert Joynt, Rajib Rahman, G. Scappucci, S. N. Coppersmith, and Mark Friesen, Phys. Rev. B 108, 125405 (2023) [arXiv | Journal]
“Lifshitz transition in the phase diagram of two-leg t-J ladder systems at low filling,” S Bollmann, A Osterkorn, EJ König, and SR Manmana, Physical Review B 108 (15), 155148 (2023) [GScholar][Saffman]
“Rapid Design and Fabrication of Grating Chips for Magneto-Optical Trapping of Atoms,” S Deshpande, P Huft, A Safari, C Fang, Z Yu, E Oh, M Saffman, and MA Kats, CLEO: Applications and Technology, JTh2A. 6 (2023) [GScholar] “Transport signatures of plasmon fluctuations in electron hydrodynamics,” Dmitry Zverevich, Alex Levchenko, Low Temp. Phys. 49, 1376-1384 (2023) [arXiv | Journal]
“Multiscale architecture for fast optical addressing and control of large-scale qubit arrays,” TM Graham, E Oh, and M Saffman, Applied Optics 62 (12), 3242-3251, 11 (2023) [GScholar] “Temperature-dependent phonon-induced relaxation of the nitrogen-vacancy spin triplet in diamond,” M.C. Cambria, A. Norambuena, H.T. Dinani, G. Theiring, A. Gardill, I. Kemeny, Y. Li, V. Lordi, A. Gali, J.R. Maze, and S. Kolkowitz, Physical Review Letters, 130 256903 (2023) [Journal]
“Fluctuation-driven excess noise near superconducting phase transition,” J Kwak, E Pellett, EJ König, and A Levchenko, Annals of Physics 456, 169307, 1 (2023) [GScholar]
“Thermal transfer enhancement by hydrodynamic plasmons in electron bilayers,” Dmitry Zverevich, A. V. Andreev, Alex Levchenko, Phys. Rev. B 108, 075304 (2023) [arXiv | Journal]
“Sensitivity of quantum gate fidelity to laser phase and intensity noise,” X Jiang, J Scott, M Friesen, and M Saffman, Physical Review A 107 (4), 042611, 51 (2023) [GScholar]
“Thickness-Dependent Cross-Plane Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Exfoliated Hexagonal Boron Nitride,” G. R. Jaffe, Keenan J. Smith, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. G. Lagally, M. A. Eriksson, and Victor W. Brar, ACS Appl. Mat. Int. 15, 12545 (2023) [arXiv | Journal][Walker]
“Combined Polarization/Magnetic Modulation of a Transverse NMR Gyroscope,” SS Sorensen, and TG Walker, Sensors 23 (10), 4649, 5 (2023) [GScholar][Saffman]
“Optical control of qubits with spatial light modulators for quantum computing and quantum simulation,” M Saffman, TM Graham, and RS Williamson III, US Patent 11,575,860, 5 (2023) [GScholar] “Coulomb drag and heat transfer in strange metals,” A. L. Chudnovskiy, Alex Levchenko, Alex Kamenev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 096501 (2023) [arXiv | Journal]
“Exact solution of the topological symplectic Kondo problem,” EJ König, and AM Tsvelik, Annals of Physics 456, 169231, 6 (2023) [GScholar] “Reducing the instability of an optical lattice clock using multiple atomic ensembles,” X. Zheng, J. Dolde, and S. Kolkowitz, arXiv:2305.12315 (2023). [arXiv]
“A quantum computing platform using a 2D array of Cs neutral atom qubits,” L Phuttitarn, R Chinnarasu, C Poole, Y Song, K Jooya, J Scott, P Eichler, … APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2023 … (2023) [GScholar][Walker]
“Feedback Methods for Vector Measurements Using an All-Optical Atomic Magnetometer,” M Bulatowicz, J Tost, and TG Walker, Sensors 23 (9), 4263, 1 (2023) [GScholar][Saffman]
“A Single-Wavelength Trap Array of Neutral Rubidium and Cesium Atoms,” S Norrell, S Norrell, C Fang, R Chinnarasu, C Poole, A Noori, T Graham, … APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2023 … (2023) [GScholar][Coppersmith] [Eriksson]
“Latched readout for the quantum dot hybrid qubit,” J. Corrigan, J. P. Dodson, B. Thorgrimsson, S. F. Neyens, T. J. Knapp, T. McJunkin, S. N. Coppersmith, and M. A. Eriksson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 074001 (2023) [arXiv | Journal][König]
“\mathbb{Z}_N lattice gauge theories with matter fields,” K Roy, and EJ König, arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.13083, 1* (2023) [arXiv | GScholar][Walker]
“Rydberg-state engineering: investigations of tuning schemes for continuous frequency sensing,” S Berweger, N Prajapati, AB Artusio-Glimpse, AP Rotunno, R Brown, … Physical Review Applied 19 (4), 044049, 28 (2023) [GScholar] “Effects of molecular contamination and sp2 carbon on oxidation of (100) single-crystal diamond surfaces,” R. Vidrio, D. Vincent, B. Bachman, C. Saucedo, M. Zahedian, Z. Xu, J. Lai, T.A. Grotjohn, S. Kolkowitz, J.-H. Seo, R.J. Hamers, K.G. Ray, Z. Ma, J.T. Choy, arXiv:2304.02217 (2023) [arXiv]