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NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum
Discovery of a Fast Radio Burst
Date: Wednesday, January 27th
Time: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Place: 5280 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Peter Timbie, UW - Madison, Department of Physics
Abstract: Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are short (millisecond), non-repeating pulses that have now been observed at radio frequencies by three different radio telescopes. First detected a decade ago, a total of 16 of these events have been seen. I will report on the recent serendipitous discovery of an FRB at the Green Bank Telescope during a search for large-scale cosmic structure. The source is not resolved but our measurements of dispersion, Faraday rotation, and scattering along the line of sight leads us to conclude that the source is probably extragalactic and is located either in a dense, magnetized nebula associated with the source or a location within the central region of its host galaxy.
Host: Vandenbroucke
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