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Engineering Physics Colloquium
Nuclear Arms Control: An Overview of Nuclear WMD and Paths to Verification
Date: Wednesday, February 24th
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Place: 1025 Engineering Centers Building
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Atwood, Sandia National Laboratories
Abstract: Arms Control is a process between and among states. The goal of arms control is to contain threats. Secondarily to promote transparency (may increase the US knowledge about and understanding of the size, make-up, and operations of an opposing military), ease military planning (if everyone knows about the other’s forces- may be less likely to attack or build up new forces), limit forces (if one nation reduces their forces, gives room for another nation to reduce their force (may help the country economically too), protect against uncertainty and surprise. To reach the above goals nations negotiate. Each nation may have divergent interests and therefore agreements may have purposeful or non-purposeful gaps, may not be completely logical or consistent. Some of these issues can be resolved after agreements are met through commissions (such as the bilateral consultative commission). Where do we, the scientists and engineers, fit in? We provide the capability to detect and deter a militarily significant violation to respond effectively.
Host: Meghan McGarry
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