I review the physics of Josephson arrays and the general problem of the superconductor-insulator transition in these structures. In the main part of the talk I will focus on the novel phases appearing in one-dimensional Josephson junction chains at relatively high temperatures. I will argue that these phases are robust with respect to the presence of the ubiquitous random charges and thus allow experimental observation. I show that at finite temperatures both ordered and disordered chains display a dynamical transition to the many body localized state. While resistivity is strictly infinite in the many body localized state, it is exponentially large in the intermediate non-ergodic bad metal. I will discuss the possibility of experimental observation of these transitions.
I review the physics of Josephson arrays and the general problem of the superconductor-insulator transition in these structures. In the main part of the talk I will focus on the novel phases appearing in one-dimensional Josephson junction chains at relatively high temperatures. I will argue that these phases are robust with respect to the presence of the ubiquitous random charges and thus allow experimental observation. I show that at finite temperatures both ordered and disordered chains display a dynamical transition to the many body localized state. While resistivity is strictly infinite in the many body localized state, it is exponentially large in the intermediate non-ergodic bad metal. I will discuss the possibility of experimental observation of these transitions.