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NPAC (Nuclear/Particle/Astro/Cosmo) Forum
Unlocking neutrino mysteries with the NOvA experiment
Date: Thursday, February 16th
Time: 4:00 pm
Place: 4274 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: Chris Backhouse, Caltech
Abstract: The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the discovery of the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, which implies that neutrinos are not massless as we had previously believed. This raises a wealth of new and intriguing questions. What is the ordering of the neutrino mass states? Might they violate matter/antimatter symmetry? What structure, if any, does the neutrino mixing matrix have? The NOvA experiment directly addresses these questions by measuring changes undergone by a powerful neutrino beam over an 810km baseline, from its source at Fermilab, Illinois to a huge 14kton detector in Ash River, Minnesota. I will give a brief overview of neutrino oscillations, then present our latest results, their implications, and prospects for the future.
Host: Sridhara Dasu
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