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2022 Mini-Semester Program Information Session
Date: Friday, November 5th
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Place: B343 Sterling Hall and online at
Speaker: Jim Reardon, University of Wisconsin
Abstract: The UW-Physics department is partnering with Brookhaven National Lab (BNL) to promote and recruit UW students interested to participate in the "2022 Mini-Semester Program” taking place January 3-7, 2022. We are specifically seeking students who are focused on pursuing physics, or physics-affiliated disciplines, as their primary academic major.

If you are interested, we are hosting an informational session this FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 at NOON, in STERLING HALL, ROOM B343. You will hear directly from BNL Educational Programs representatives about this opportunity.

The 2022 Mini-Semester Program will offer a unique opportunity to attend lectures, guided tours of the facilities, and interact with scientists and research in a real-world setting at Brookhaven National Lab. You will be provided with transportation, accommodations, and meals offered throughout the program. See attached flyer for more details, eligibility requirements, and application process.

Applications are due 5:00 pm EST/4:00 pm CST on Friday, November 19, 2021.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

-Jim Reardon, Director of Undergraduate Programs
Department of Physics,

Video Recording of Presentation

Host: Jim Reardon
Attachments: BNL Educational Programs Mini-Semester Program.pdf
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