Abstract: Interactions between electrons in solid-state systems can lead to collective behavior described by hydrodynamics. One such system is the electron-hole plasma in graphene near the charge-neutrality point, which can form a strongly coupled Dirac fluid. In this talk, I will present results for hydrodynamic electron magnetotransport in graphene devices. In these systems, a distinct mechanism of magnetoresistance appears which is absent in systems with Galilean-invariant electron liquid. The resulting magnetoresistance depends on the intrinsic conductivity and viscosity of the electron liquid, and becomes especially pronounced near charge neutrality. This mechanism is related to Alfven's theorem on frozen-in magnetic field in magneto-hydrodynamics, according to which the motion of a perfectly conducting liquid perpendicular to the magnetic field lines is forbidden. In addition, we will consider thermoelectric phenomena and discuss hydrodynamic paradox in Corbino devices.
This talk is based on:
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 075305 (2020)
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 105, 155307 (2022)
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 106, L201306 (2022