Events During March, 2021
- Tuesday, March 2nd
- Volodymyr Takhistov , Kavli-IPMU
- Shining Light on Dark Matter with Black Holes
- 2:00 pm; , hosted by Baha Balantekin
- Tuesday, March 16th
- Francois Foucart , University of New Hampshire
- Matter Outflows in Neutron Star Mergers
- 2:00 pm; , hosted by Baha Balantekin
- Tuesday, March 30th
- Soumya Bhattacharyya, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- Theory of Fast Flavor Conversion of Supernova Neutrinos
- 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm; hosted by Baha Balantekin, hosted by Baha Balantekin