Events During June, 2020
- Tuesday, June 2nd
- Nicole Vassh, Notre Dame
- Exposing the astrophysical conditions of r-process events through observable signatures of lanthanide and actinide production
- 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm; , hosted by Baha Balantekin
- Tuesday, June 9th
- Sherwood Richers , UC Berkeley
- Evaluating Neutrino Moment Closures in Neutron Star Mergers
- 3:30 pm; , hosted by Baha Balantekin
- Tuesday, June 16th
- Juri Smirnov , Ohio State U.
- Co-SIMP freezeout: a novel Dark Matter Production Mechanism
- 3:30 pm; , hosted by Baha Balantekin
- Tuesday, June 23rd
- Sophia Han, Ohio U.
- On the minimum radius of very massive neutron stars
- 3:30 pm; , hosted by Baha Balantekin
- Tuesday, June 30th
- Mikhail Beznogov, National Autonomous University of Mexico
- Thermal evolution of neo-neutron stars
- 3:30 pm; , hosted by Baha Balantekin