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Events During the 2021 Fall Semester

August 2021

   Wednesday, August 4th
Michael Cervia, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Many-body Theory of Collective Neutrino Oscillations
4:00 pm; on zoom-link below, hosted by Baha Balantekin, Faculty Advisor
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   Monday, August 16th
Qinrui Liu, Physics PhD Graduate Student
high-energy cosmic neutrinos as a window to the Universe
2:30 pm; 2241 Chamberlin Hall and zoom link below, hosted by Francis Halzen, Faculty Advisor
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   Thursday, August 19th
Will Luszczak, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Untriggered Searches for Astrophysical Neutrino Transients Using Data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
2:00 pm; 2241 or 4274 CH, hosted by Albrecht Karle, Faculty Advisor
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   Sunday, August 22nd
Official degree conferral date on diploma for students graduating at the end of Summer term 2021
Graduate School Summer 2021: Doctoral Degree Deadline
   Monday, August 23rd
Graduate School Fall 2021: Fall degree window period begins
Joelle Corrigan, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Coherent and cavity-based measurement of two-particle states
4:00 pm; Zoom link below, hosted by Mark Eriksson, Faculty Advisor
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September 2021

   Monday, September 6th
Labor Day holiday
   Tuesday, September 7th
Graduate School Fall 2021: Fall degree window period deadline for doctoral students
   Wednesday, September 8th
Fall semester instruction begins
   Saturday, September 11th
Fall 2021 Qualifying Exam
   Friday, September 17th
Ping-Yu Li , Physics PhD Graduate Student
ITG Turbulence Saturation and Near-Resonant Heat Flux Reduction in Gyrokinetic Dimits-Shift Analysis
9:00 am; zoom link below, hosted by Paul Terry, Faculty Advisor
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   Tuesday, September 21st
Chris Wilen, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Correlated Charge Noise and Relaxation Errors in Superconducting Qubits
2:00 pm; Zoom: , hosted by Robert McDermott, faculty advisor
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October 2021

   Tuesday, October 5th
Leslie Taylor, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Instrumentation and Commissioning of the Prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope Camera
1:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall and Zoom: , hosted by Justin Vandenbroucke, Faculty Advisor
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   Thursday, October 7th
Thomas Rockwell Mackie, Emeritus Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
B.O.V. Presentation
Entrepreneurship in the Physical Sciences
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm; 4274 Chamberlin Hall and/or , hosted by Prof. Kevin Black
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November 2021

   Thursday, November 25th
Thanksgiving recess
   Friday, November 26th
Thanksgiving recess
   Saturday, November 27th
Thanksgiving recess
   Sunday, November 28th
Thanksgiving recess

December 2021

   Wednesday, December 15th
Last class day
   Thursday, December 16th
Study day
   Friday, December 17th
Final exams
   Saturday, December 18th
Final exams
   Sunday, December 19th
Final exams
   Monday, December 20th
Final exams
   Tuesday, December 21st
Final exams
   Wednesday, December 22nd
Final exams
   Thursday, December 23rd
Final exams
   Sunday, December 26th
Graduate School Fall 2021: Doctoral degree deadline