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Events During the 2024 Fall Semester

August 2024

   Wednesday, August 21st
Jesse Osborn, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Characterizing the Diffuse Astrophysical Neutrino Flux from the Galactic Plane using IceCube Data
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Albrecht Karle
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   Thursday, August 22nd
Sam Kramer, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Line Intensity Mapping: A Novel Technique to Measure Large Scale Structure and Galaxy Evolution
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm; B343, Sterling Hall, hosted by Peter Timbie
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   Monday, August 26th
Zain Abhari, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Nonlinear X-ray Optics for Transition Metal Chemistry and Coherent X-ray Spectroscopy
10:00 am - 12:00 pm; B343 Sterling Hall; , hosted by Uwe Bergmann
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   Wednesday, August 28th
Utku Saglam, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Experimental and Theoretical Progress of the Rubidium Magneto Optical Trap and the trapping arrays for Electro magnetically induced transparency and Super-, Sub-radiance experiments
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Deniz Yavuz
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September 2024

October 2024

   Monday, October 7th
Hongyi Wu, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Search for TeV Halos Using HAWC Data
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Ke Fang
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   Wednesday, October 9th
Angelina Partenheimer, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Connecting Multimessenger Observations to Theory in Particle Astrophysics from GeV to EeV
11:00 am - 1:00 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall or , hosted by Ke Fang
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   Friday, October 18th
Avani Vivrekar, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Gate tunable spin splitting of germanium quantum well Josephson junctions
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm; 5310 Chamberlin Hall or , hosted by Mark Friesen
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   Monday, October 21st
Zach Curtis-Ginsberg, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Instrumentation Development & Multi-Messenger Astrophysics with the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm; B343 Sterling Hall, hosted by Justin Vandenbroucke
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   Thursday, October 24th
Zoe Rechav, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Characterizing the Diffuse Astrophysical Neutrino Flux with Contained and Uncontained Cascades in IceCube
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall, hosted by Lu Lu
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November 2024

December 2024

   Tuesday, December 3rd
Perri Zilberman, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Investigating Potential Time Dependence in the Cosmic Ray Anisotropy
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm; 5280 CH or , hosted by Albrecht Karle
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   Wednesday, December 4th
Omar Khaled Nagib Abdelhakim Mohamed, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Protocol for robust quantum networks
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm; 5280 Chamberlin Hall or , hosted by Mark Saffman
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   Friday, December 6th
Minhal Gardezi, Physics PhD Graduate Student
X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging of Early Print
10:00 am - 12:00 pm; Sterling Hall, Room B343, hosted by Uwe Bergmann
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Jacky Yip, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Topological Data Analysis for Cosmology
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm; 5310 Chamberlin, hosted by Gary Shiu
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   Friday, December 13th
Anagha Aravind, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Search for a rare decay of SM Higgs boson to two light scalars with b hadrons and tau leptons in the final state in the CMS Detector
11:30 am - 1:30 pm; , hosted by Kevin Black
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   Monday, December 16th
Trevor Nelson, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Search for a heavy scalar resonance decaying into a boosted pair of Higgs bosons in the four tau final state
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm; B343 Sterling, hosted by Tulika Bose
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   Tuesday, December 17th
Yiting Wang, Physics PhD Graduate Student
Odd Radio Circles and the Dynamics of Nonthermal Plasma
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm; B343 Sterling, hosted by Sebastian Heinz
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