Events on Tuesday, March 16th, 2021
- "Physics Today" Undergrad Colloquium (Physics 301)
- Major Discovery Week -- Physics
- Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
- Place: Join at
- Speaker: Dan McCammon, UW–Madison Physics
- Abstract: Join physics advisor Dan McCammon for an informal discussion/Q&A about the physics major during UW's Major Discovery Week. Visit for more info.
- Host: Department
- "Physics Today" Undergrad Colloquium (Physics 301)
- Major Discovery Week -- AMEP
- Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
- Place:
- Speaker: Deniz Yavuz, UW–Madison Physics
- Abstract: Applied Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics (AMEP) is an interdisciplinary bachelor of science degree program focusing on math, physics, and an area of Engineering. AMEP offers a unique combination of mathematical physics and engineering education that not only provides excellent preparation for graduate school in applied science or engineering, but is also of great value to industry. Please join this session to meet one of the co-directors of the program and learn more about AMEP.
Visit for more info. - Host: Department
- Network in Neutrinos, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Symmetries (N3AS) Seminar
- Matter Outflows in Neutron Star Mergers
- Time: 2:00 pm
- Place:
- Speaker: Francois Foucart , University of New Hampshire
- Abstract: Determining the properties of the mildly relativistic outflows produced during and after the merger of neutron star binaries is crucial to understand the role of mergers in the production of heavy elements, as well as to analyze multi-messenger observations of these systems. The mass and composition of these outflows determine how much matter is available for r-process nucleosynthesis, as well as the relative abundance of the various elements produced by the r-process. Additionally, the properties of these matter outflows are tightly linked to the observable characteristics of kilonovae. In this talk, I will discuss what merger simulations have taught us so far about neutron star merger outflows, focusing particularly on the dynamics of black hole-neutron star mergers, and on the main sources of uncertainty in current outflow models for both black hole-neutron star and neutron star-neutron star binary mergers.
- Host: Baha Balantekin