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Events on Friday, October 14th, 2022

Physics Department Colloquium
Climate Change: Science, Technology and Policy
Time: 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Place: 2241 Chamberlin Hall
Speaker: George Crabtree
Abstract: Climate change is among the most important global challenges of the 21st century, affecting nearly every aspect of society including public health, food production, supply chains, inflation, financial/economic risk, human migration and geopolitics. National competitiveness and environmental justice for traditionally underserved communities are rapidly growing additional concerns. Responses to climate change include decarbonization to avoid its worst consequences, resilience to minimize its impact and adaptation to accommodate unavoidable change. These responses can be implemented through technology, policy and cultural change. Each of these options will be considered and put into perspective.
Host: Uwe Bergmann
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Wonders of Physics
Science on the Square
Time: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Place: State Street
Speaker: various, Dept of Physics
Abstract: Join the Department of Physics and scientists from around UW and Madison at Science on the Square! Held from 4-8pm Friday, Oct 14, you can see two Wonders of Physics live shows at the top of State Street. WIPAC, GMaWiP, and others will be hosting activity tables along State Street as well.

This event is held as part of WiSciFest and is being held in conjunction with the Madison Night Market. Visit for full details
Host: WiSciFest
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