Events on Thursday, November 3rd, 2022
- R. G. Herb Condensed Matter Seminar
- Topological Superconductivity and the Braiding of Majorana Zero Modes in Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems
- Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Place: 5310 Chamberlin
- Speaker: Dirk Morr, UIC
- Abstract: Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid (MSH) systems have proven to be versatile platforms for the engineering of topological superconductivity and the ensuing Majorana zero modes, an important step towards the realization of topological quantum computing. In particular, the experimental ability to create MSH system with widely varying magnetic structures -- from ferromagnetic and skyrmion-like to antiferromagnetic – has provided an unprecedented opportunity to manipulate and explore topological phases. In this talk, I will review some recent progress in the theoretical prediction and experimental realization of novel topological superconducting phases – ranging from topological nodal-point superconductivity to higher order topological superconductors -- in MSH systems. Moreover, I will discuss how the real-time manipulation of the magnetic structure in MSH systems provides a new path to braiding MZMs, revealing their non-Abelian statistics, and to the creation of topological quantum gates.
- Host: Robert Joynt
- IceCube webinar
- Join IceCube as they announce exciting new results!
- Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Place: DeLuca Forum, Discovery Building or online at
- Speaker: various, IceCube
- Abstract: Join us to hear exciting IceCube results!
In person at the H.F. DeLuca Forum at the Discovery Building
Or via the zoom link – - Host: WIPAC/IceCube
- Astronomy Colloquium
- How Circumgalactic Medium Dynamics Impact Galaxy Evolution
- Time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
- Place: Sterling Hall 4421
- Speaker: Dr. Cassi Lochhaas, Space Telescope Science Institute
- Abstract: The region of space surrounding galaxies, the circumgalactic medium (CGM), is the site of all gas flows into and out of galaxies and therefore responsible for regulating or promoting galaxy growth. It has been only in the past couple decades that we have been able to observe this tenuous medium, and even more recently that we have been able to resolve it in cosmological simulations. I will discuss the classical theories for the CGM’s role in galaxy evolution and how my work has shown these theories need serious revision in light of new simulations. Using the Figuring Out Gas & Galaxies In Enzo (FOGGIE) simulations that resolve the CGM of Milky Way-like galaxies in exquisite detail, I will describe how dynamic gas motions in the CGM – turbulence, rotation, and bulk radial flows – drive the galactic ecosystem out of hydrostatic equilibrium and drive its temperature away from the virial temperature, ultimately affecting how galaxies accrete new gas to convert into stars. These results hint at a new paradigm of non-equilibrium galaxy evolution, where the commonly-assumed balance between gas flows and star formation in galaxies is actually an emergent phenomenon that appears only through averaging over large scales in space and time.
- Host: Ke Zhang