Events During the Week of January 15th through January 22nd, 2023
Monday, January 16th, 2023
- Academic Calendar
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Abstract: *Note: actual end time may vary.* University offices closed. URL:
Tuesday, January 17th, 2023
- Winter Recess
- Time: 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
- Place: 4274 Chamberlin
- Speaker: Sharon Kahn
- Abstract: Gather for a 30 min break with some games and hot chocolate in room 4274
- Network in Neutrinos, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Symmetries (N3AS) Seminar
- Search for dark matter using diffuse gamma rays discovered by Tibet AS_{\gamma}
- Time: 2:00 pm
- Place: Meeting ID: 912 3071 4547
- Speaker: Tarak Nath Maity , IISc, India
- Abstract: Gamma rays being charge-neutral are extremely useful messengers in astroparticle physics. Recently the Tibet AS_{\gamma} experiment has detected sub-PeV diffuse gamma rays from part of the galactic disc. In this talk, we will present the theorist's view on the detection principle of high-energy gamma rays by Tibet AS_{\gamma}. Then we will discuss its implications in the physics of particle dark matter.
- Host: Baha Balantekin
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
- Faculty Search Committee Meeting
- Facutly Search Committee Meeting
- Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
- Place: 3290 A Chamberlin Hall
- Speaker: Paul Terry, UW-Madison
- Abstract: Closed meeting to discuss personnel matters—pursuant to Section 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law Closed to all but tenured faculty.
- Host: Paul Terry
Thursday, January 19th, 2023
- Graduate Program Event
- Physics Qualifying Exam - Spring 2023 - Classical Mechanics
- Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
- Place: 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- Speaker: Sharon Kahn
- Graduate Program Event
- Physics Qualifying Exam - Spring 2023 -Statistical Mechanics
- Time: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
- Place: 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- Speaker: Sharon Kahn
Friday, January 20th, 2023
- Graduate Program Event
- Physics Qualifying Exam - Spring 2023 - Electricity & Magnetism
- Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
- Place: 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- Speaker: Sharon Kahn
- Graduate Program Event
- Physics Qualifying Exam - Spring 2023 - Quantum Mechanics
- Time: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
- Place: 2241 Chamberlin Hall
- Speaker: Sharon Kahn