WQI News

Teleporting data over internet with quantum computing

Quantum Teleportation was first achieved in the 1990s, demonstrating that information could be teleported from one location to another, granted the two locations are entangled, Johannes Rydberg Professor of Physics and Wisconsin Quantum Institute Director Mark Saffman said. The limiting factor of this discovery was the information transfer required specialized fibers, Saffman said. Recent achievements...

Read the full article at: https://badgerherald.com/news/science-news/2025/03/05/teleporting-data-over-internet-with-quantum-computing/

Wisconsin Summer School for Quantum Science – Application is now open!

Application is now open for the 2025 Wisconsin Summer School for Quantum Science!

This summer school will take place on May 28-30 and aims to promote quantum science (quantum materials, quantum information, and quantum sensing) to senior undergraduate students and junior graduate students interested in pursuing a PhD in this research area.


Advancing quantum systems through Q-NEXT’s Materials and Integration thrust

By linking researchers across the breadth of Q-NEXT research, M&I team members work on the processing, understanding and integration of qubits and quantum devices. This work brings closer to reality the future vision of truly hybrid quantum information systems that have an impact and performance superior to anything that could be achieved in isolation.

Read the full article at: https://q-next.org/advancing-quantum-systems-through-q-nexts-materials-and-integration-thrust/

Open Quantum Initiative (OQI) Undergraduate Fellowships are now open!

The Open Quantum Initiative (OQI) Undergraduate Fellowship provides undergraduate students with research experiences working in quantum science laboratories and research groups. OQI fellows spend 10 weeks over the summer working in person with research groups on challenging quantum information science and engineering (QISE) projects. Fellows are given on-campus housing at their institution, a stipend of $6,000, and travel to/from the program. Research experiences occur at the University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Northwestern University, and The Ohio State University. No research experience is required.  Students enrolled in any undergraduate institution in the United States, including community colleges, are eligible.

Applications for the 2025 OQI Undergraduate Fellowship cohort are open until February 6, 2025.

More information is available by emailing oqi@uchicago.edu or by visiting the OQI website. Interested students, faculty, and staff can also register for online application information sessions, which will include tips on how to craft a strong application.

Congratulations to Patrick Walsh for winning 3rd place at the Chicago Quantum Summit poster session!

Picture of Patrick Walsh by his poster

Patrick Walsh won 3rd place at the Chicago Quantum Summit poster session. The title of his poster was: Developing tools and techniques for autotuning quantum dot devices.

The seventh annual Chicago Quantum Summit took place on October 21 and 22 and featured dialogue about the growing quantum technology economy, new research initiatives in the field, and efforts to build the quantum workforce.

Members of the CQE community were invited to submit a poster on any quantum information science and engineering topic. Students and postdocs were particularly encouraged to apply.

Several students from UW-Madison took part in the poster session and attended the meeting on October 21.